Category: Synology

  Prerequisites Go to Package Center and install Docker Go to File stations and navigate to Docker folder Create two folders, wp-app and wp-db Open Docker on Synology and select Registry tab Search for WordPress and MySQL, download both with latest tag Buy me a drink on Ko-fi 🙂 Create MySQL Container Go to Container tab and Create a Container: Select Image: mysql Network: bridge […]
Pi-Hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole (and, optionally, a DHCP server), intended for use on a private network. What is a DNS sinkhole? A DNS sinkhole, also known as a sinkhole server, Internet sinkhole, or Blackhole DNS is a DNS server that gives out false information, to prevent […]
Apache Guacamole is a client-less remote desktop gateway that runs in your browser. In summary, you’re able to RDP, VNC, or SSH into devices on your network through a web browser. The tool works very well and allows you to manage all your connections in a centralized location accessible by a web browser. Setting up […]
 I have been a huge fan of Synology for years! Back in the day, XPenology was a great way to have a virtualized instance of a Synology NAS that you could run as a virtual machine. Because of its extensive set of capabilities and ease of use, it was a no-brainer. Needless to say, I […]
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