Category: Teams

You may have been on a Teams meeting and heard the rather annoying entry and exit sounds. They can be “+4412343434 has joined the meeting”, or playing the recording name of the joiner or just tones. Announcing out the name or phone number can be important if you are having a highly secure meeting, but […]
What are App Setup Policies? App setup policies give admins a way to control how apps are displayed to users in Microsoft Teams.  You can change the settings in the Global (Org-wide default) policy or you can create new policies for specific users or departments. Admins can decide which apps are displayed on the left […]
Microsoft Teams doesn’t yet support Azure Information Protection or Unified Classifications. Apparently that’s coming at some point in the future. For now, you can create text based classifications – they don’t do anything other than display in the Microsoft Teams client (and Office 365 Groups) – none the less the are still useful to set […]
Microsoft Teams Msi Installer Microsoft have finally released an Msi installer for Microsoft Teams for those who would like to deploy this to multiple organisations computers for multiples users using a deployment method like SCCM. The requirements are: .NET framework 4.5 or later Windows 7 or later 3GB of disk space for each user profile […]
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