How to setup WordPress on Synology Docker



  1. Go to Package Center and install Docker
  2. Go to File stations and navigate to Docker folder
  3. Create two folders, wp-app and wp-db
  4. Open Docker on Synology and select Registry tab
  5. Search for WordPress and MySQL, download both with latest tag
  6. Buy me a drink on Ko-fi 🙂

Create MySQL Container

  1. Go to Container tab and Create a Container:
    1. Select Image: mysql
    2. Network: bridge
    3. Container Name: wp-db
  2. Go to Advanced Settings
  3. Add the following Enviroment variables:
    1. MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD = mysqlrootpassword
    2. MYSQL_DATABASE = wp
    3. MYSQL_USER = wpuser
    4. MYSQL_PASSWORD = wppass
  4. Review, click Save, then Next
  5. Leave the Port settings as default, click Next
  6. Click Add Folder, navigate to the wp-db folder
  7. Add the mount path as /var/lib/mysql
  8. Click Next and Done

Before you continue, be sure to check that the DB is ready. This should take ~5 mins.
While waiting, go to Prerequisites Step 6.

  1. Double-click the Container and go to Logs tab
  2. Look for the line that says /usr/sbin/mysqld: ready for connections.

Create WordPress Container

  1. Go to Container tab and Create a Container:
    1. Select Image: wordpress
    2. Network: bridge
    3. Container Name: wp-app
    4. Enable auto-restart
  2. Go to Advanced Settings
  3. Add the following Enviroment variables:
    1. WORDPRESS_DB_HOST = wp-db
    2. WORDPRESS_DB_USER = wpuser
  4. Select Links tab and click Add
  5. Select the Container name that you’ve created for MySQL, eg. wp-db
  6. Click Save, then Next
  7. Set the Local Port to 8080, click Next
  8. Click Add Folder, navigate to the wp-app folder
  9. Add the mount path as /var/www/html
  10. Click Next and Done

Go get a coffee and send me a tip as this will take at least 5 mins and if you go to your NAS IP Address with the port you’ve defined above on a browser, eg.
You’ll be greeted WordPress installation screen.

Don`t copy text!