Author: Frank

Download OpenSSL Win64OpenSSL_Light-3_2_1 openssl pkcs7 -in c:\temp\certnew.p7b -inform DER -print_certs -out c:\temp\certificate.pem
Microsoft IIS can serve the role of an SMTP quite nicely but requires quite a few steps to get set up. Lucky for you, I’ve set up an IIS SMTP relay server and documented all of the steps! In this article, we will cover all of the steps needed to successfully set up an SMTP […]
List DNS servers ~ # esxcli network ip dns server list DNSServers: ~ # Add DNS server ~ # esxcli network ip dns server add -s ~ # esxcli network ip dns server list DNSServers:, ~ # Remove DNS server ~ # esxcli network ip dns server remove -s ~ […]
Get-Content (Get-PSReadlineOption).HistorySavePath > D:\PowerShellHistory.txt
Pi-Hole is a Linux network-level advertisement and Internet tracker blocking application which acts as a DNS sinkhole (and, optionally, a DHCP server), intended for use on a private network. What is a DNS sinkhole? A DNS sinkhole, also known as a sinkhole server, Internet sinkhole, or Blackhole DNS is a DNS server that gives out false information, to prevent […]
Apache Guacamole is a client-less remote desktop gateway that runs in your browser. In summary, you’re able to RDP, VNC, or SSH into devices on your network through a web browser. The tool works very well and allows you to manage all your connections in a centralized location accessible by a web browser. Setting up […]
Introduction In the previous article, I have shared a working algorithm on replacing the ESXi SSL certificate with a self-signed one, but, as you know well, there’s always room for perfection. So, I have been practicing with a more universal scenario that could also work with a domain infrastructure and domain certificate services. That’s what I […]
Now and then when publishing the topology, I’ve gotten some warnings that just states one or more of these: Warning: Ace DOMAIN\RTCUniversalGlobalReadOnlyGroup; Allow; ReadProperty; None; None and also later in the log Warning: One or more group access control entries (ACEs) are not ready. This means that not all ACEs are ready after the forest prep, for […]
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