Skype for Business address list segregation


Is it possible to provide users with an Address List in Lync that only contains a subset of users in a Lync organization?




Using an attribute called msRTCSIP-GroupingID, as described in this TechNet article:

Time to test Smile

I’m gonna use the objectGUID of an Organizational Unit called Zaventem, that I have in my demo environment


Then I’m going to change the value of the msRTCSIPGroupingID for a user in that OU to that objectGUID, in this example Annelies Bulkens:


And I’m doing the same thing for a Lync-enabled user in a different OU, namely DemoTechEd:


Time to check Smile When I log in as my own demo account, I get the following results when entering d:


I don’t see DemoTechEd!

When Annelies does the same thing, she only gets DemoTechEd:


It is still possible for Annelies to add a user as a contact when entering the correct SIP-Uri, as you can see below for [email protected]:





You can play around the attribute – msRTCSIP-GroupingID 

In your case there are two set of users, as follows,

  • All Users – 1000 Users
  • Particular Users – 25 Users

Goal : 

  • “All Users” must be able to search “All Users” (1000 users) ONLY and they should not be able to search “Particular Users (25 users)”.
  • “Particular Users” should be able to search “All Users (1000 users)” and “Particular Users (25 users)” both.

There is a way by partitioning users at AD end and update the “MSRTCSIP-GroupingID” attribute;

How ??

Lets Create two OUs and add respective type of users to respective OUs as follows,

  • OU Name : “Everyone” and Add “All Users (1000 users) to this OU
  • OU Name : “Particulars” and Add “Particular Users (25 users) to this OU

Now, capture the “ObjectGUID” of “Everyone” ‘s OU and populate it to “All Users” ‘s AD accounts AD attribute “MSRTCSIP-GroupingID” so that the people (“All Users – 1000 users) will be able to search each other only and cannot search “Particular Users(25 users)”.

Do not populate anything to “Particular Users” ‘s AD account attribute MSRTCSIP-GroupingID ; leave it as it is. So that “Particular Users (25 users)” will be able to search each other and “All Users – 1000 users” as well.
