When you first install Exchange, you will notice that by default the database that is created doesn’t have a friendly name. The database is also created in the default install location of Exchange. The odds are you’ll want to rename the database, and best practices say you should split out the .edb and log files to their own disks.
Luckily, these two tasks are pretty simple as long as you keep a few key points in mind. Moving the database file and log location does require the database to be dismounted for the duration of the move, so I highly recommended making these changes when you first setup the server. This will prevent you from having unhappy clients because of an extended down time. It should also be noted that this process should not be followed for any database that is a member of a DAG.
[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxDatabase "Mailbox Database 2544738424" -Name "EX13-3"
Now that the database has been named something useful, we can proceed to moving the .edb and logs to the appropriate locations. When designing your environment, remember that the .edb and log locations have to match across all DAG members. In my case, my db are on the E: drive and my logs are on the L: drive.
[PS] C:\> Move-DatabasePath -Identity "EX13-3" -EdbFilePath "E:\DB\MDB13-3\MDB13-3.edb" -LogFolderPath "L:\Logs\MDB13-3"
Once this completes, the database will be automatically mounted again and your database will be located in the new location.