The following summary provides details about the process and commands provided by Skype for Business and Lync to manage failover and failback of services in a DR situation.
Summary of steps required for a pool failover
- If the failed pool has an Edge server associated, first move the association
- Set-CsEdgeServer -Identity EdgeServer:<Edge pool FQDN> -Registrar Registrar:<NextHopPoolFQDN>
- Determine which pool hosts the Central Management Store (CMS)
- Invoke-CsManagementServerFailover -Whatif
- Determine the backup pool relationship
- Get-CsPoolBackupRelationship -PoolFQDN <Pool FQDN>
- Check the CMS status – if ActiveMasterFQDN and ActiveFileTransferAgents are empty then will will need to fail over the CMS
- Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus
- If a mirror is used check which SQL server is the principle and use that server in the following failover command
- Get-CsDatabaseMirrorState -DatabaseType Centralmgmt -PoolFqdn <Backup_Pool Fqdn>
- Failover the CMS
- Invoke-CSManagementServerFailover -BackupSQLServerFqdn <BackEnd SQL Server FQDN> -BackupSQLInstanceName <Backend SQL Instance Name>
- Verify failover is successful – ActiveMasterFQDN and ActiveFileTransferAgents should be populated
- Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus
- Verify that we now have CMS replication and that all replicas have a value of True
- Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus
- Failover users
- Invoke-CsPoolFailover -PoolFQDN <Failed Pool FQDN> -DisasterMode -Verbose
Summary of steps required for a pool failback
- Failback users
- Invoke-CsPoolFailback -PoolFQDN <Pool1 FQDN> -Verbose
Note: The CMS does not need to be failed back as it can run on any server in the topology.