Summary of pool failover and failback for Skype for Business

The following summary provides details about the process and commands provided by Skype for Business and Lync to manage failover and failback of services in a DR situation.

Summary of steps required for a pool failover

  1. If the failed pool has an Edge server associated, first move the association
    • Set-CsEdgeServer -Identity EdgeServer:<Edge pool FQDN> -Registrar Registrar:<NextHopPoolFQDN>
  2. Determine which pool hosts the Central Management Store (CMS)
    • Invoke-CsManagementServerFailover -Whatif
  3. Determine the backup pool relationship
    • Get-CsPoolBackupRelationship -PoolFQDN <Pool FQDN>
  4. Check the CMS status – if ActiveMasterFQDN and ActiveFileTransferAgents are empty then will will need to fail over the CMS
    • Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus
  5. If a mirror is used check which SQL server is the principle and use that server in the following failover command
    • Get-CsDatabaseMirrorState -DatabaseType Centralmgmt -PoolFqdn <Backup_Pool Fqdn>
  6. Failover the CMS
    • Invoke-CSManagementServerFailover -BackupSQLServerFqdn <BackEnd SQL Server FQDN> -BackupSQLInstanceName <Backend SQL Instance Name>
  7. Verify failover is successful – ActiveMasterFQDN and ActiveFileTransferAgents should be populated
    • Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus -CentralManagementStoreStatus
  8. Verify that we now have CMS replication and that all replicas have a value of True
    • Get-CsManagementStoreReplicationStatus
  9. Failover users
    • Invoke-CsPoolFailover -PoolFQDN <Failed Pool FQDN> -DisasterMode -Verbose


Summary of steps required for a pool failback

  1. Failback users
    • Invoke-CsPoolFailback -PoolFQDN <Pool1 FQDN> -Verbose


Note: The CMS does not need to be failed back as it can run on any server in the topology.
